Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Classroom Update

We are nearing the end of term 1 which means that report cards will be going home soon.  We have been busy in our classroom working on the following:

Math - Our focus for this month is multiplication and division. Students are encouraged to practice at home whenever they have the chance.  We will also be exploring fractions before the term is finished.  

Language - We have just finished Recount writing and we will be beginning narrative in the next two weeks.  We continue to improve our reading comprehension with short stories and various texts. The class is thoroughly enjoying our novel study Charlotte's Web. There have been some great class and group discussions examining the characters, setting and plot of the story.  

Science - We are studying Forces (push and pull) and will be doing a number of experiments around that theme in the next few weeks.  

Portfolios will be sent home in the next few days so that you can take a look at the various tasks and assignments that your child has completed.  Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send a note or give me a call.  

Vanessa Sloan

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Kingdom Club fundraiser

The Kingdom Club will be assisting with our 2nd Pyjama Patrol Fundraiser. Last year, I believe we raised close to 200 pairs of pyjamas and $600 for this organization, which was started by a parent in our school community. They are happy to accept both pyjamas and/or money to buy some. They are looking to get new pairs of pyjamas for children aged 0-18 years old. Especially teens, since they are harder to buy for. There will be baskets to put pyjamas in in the front lobby from the 6th - 17th and any money will also be collected.

Monday, 9 January 2017

Rosary Session - Volunteers needed

Dear Parents,

The grade 3 students will be gathering in the Learning Commons to create rosaries this Thursday, January 12, 2017.  A few ladies from CWL of St. Patrick Catholic Church will be leading our students in these rosary sessions. We will need 3-4 parent volunteers to help out during our time in the LC which is from 10:45 - 11:45am. If you are available during that time please write a note letting me know in your child’s agenda.

Thank you,

Vanessa Sloan