Tuesday, 30 January 2018

Multiplication and Division Strategies

Multiplication Strategies

January Classroom Update

We are nearing the end of term 1 and are working on finishing up a few things.  The learning skills focus for this term is independent work and organization.  Last week, students completed a learning skills self assessment which will be going home in student portfolios today or tomorrow. 


The focus for mathematics this month is Number Sense.  Students are learning to multiply and divide and they are being introduced to fractions.  Homework questions have been assigned for practice throughout the month of January. 


Students have finished persuasive writing and we have moved on to narrative writing.  We will be exploring narrative texts and writing over the next two months.  We started reading Charlotte's Web together last week.  We will be completing individual and group activities based on the novel over the next several weeks. 


We are almost finished with our Forces unit.  Students will be conducting experiments and completing research over the next two weeks.  Ask your children about Forces at home.  Some examples of vocabulary in this unit are push and pull factors, friction and gravity. 


We finished our Dance unit last week.  Students along with Ms. Juneau's class worked in groups to explore movement and put together a performance to a song of their choice.  The performances were fun, creative and energetic!

Physical Education

We have finished up with cooperative games and are beginning soccer this week. 


Students have been hard at work putting together a google slidedeck on Safety.  Students were assigned different topics and followed the co-created success criteria to create their deck.  Some examples of topics include food safety, outdoor safety, water safety and fire safety.  Students will be sharing their research with their classmates this week. 


We continue to explore our catholic values and the teachings of Jesus in class through scripture and discussion.  When faced with a conflict we are reminded to Stop, Think, Breathe and Choose. What would Jesus do?

Students completed their final draft of Van Gogh's Starry Night.  We will continue to explore various artists throughout term 2. 

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Gatineau Field Trip

We had a lovely day of snowshoeing and learning about animals and their habitats in Gatineau last week.  Below are some photos of the afternoon.


Thursday, 18 January 2018

Field Trip Tomorrow

We are looking forward to our field trip to Gatineau Park tomorrow. Below is a list of suggested clothing for students to wear:

✪  Warm winter boots  ✪  Warm coat    ✪  Snow/slush pants  ✪  Sweater
 Warm toque  ✪  Mittens   ✪  Scarf  ✪  socks

Students are also encouraged to bring a reusable water bottle.

Image result for snowshoeing in gatineau park in winter