Thursday, 22 February 2018

Lenten Fundraiser

Dear Parents,                                              

On Friday, February 16th, we had our Lenten Kickoff at school.  Ryan Hreljac from the Ryan’s Well Foundation came
to St. Anne to talk about his story and his part in raising money to build water wells in Africa and other parts of the world.
 Ryan’s journey began when he was just 6 years old in Grade 1.  He made it his mission to raise money and he worked very hard
to do this.  Eventually with hard work and perseverance he raised the funds to build his first well at Angolo Primary School in
Uganda. The children learned of Ryan in an EQAO reading comprehension practice piece back at the beginning of the school year.
 The money raised for Spirit Week this week goes to his foundation. We have decided that we would like to something as a class
to raise money for his foundation over the 40 days of Lent.  We have discussed doing a couple of things. Every Friday throughout
Lent, February 23rd, March 2nd, March 9th and March 23rd, I will be bringing sugar free gum in to school for the children.  
 It will cost $1 a piece and the children can chew it for one block that day.  The children have chosen
to do chores at home to raise money.  If you and your child wish to participate, your donation can be made through Cash Online.

Any money that is raised will be donated to the Ryan’s Well Foundation for their 2017/2018 School Challenge Project. We will
not be collecting any cash, so if your child is participating in any of the above, including “gum Fridays”, and you would like to make
a donation, please make your donation, in advance, through Cash Online which can be found on the St. Anne Website. Donations can
be made until Tuesday, February 27th. By signing below, you are allowing your child to have a piece of gum on the 4 Fridays indicated
above. Please check out Ryan’s website for more information about Ryan and his story:

Thank you in advance for your help with this Lenten Project! Mrs. Sloan


I give my child,         _______________________,  permission to have a piece of gum on each Friday indicated above.
(Again, please do not send money in to the school, your donation must be made through Cash Online). Thanks!


Crazy Hairdos and Hats

Spirit Week

We have some 'characters' in our class...

Classroom Update

We have officially begun term 2!  Here is a glance of what we will be exploring and learning for the next 6 weeks.  While we report on all Learning Skills, Self-regulation and Initiative will be our focus for this term.  Please take the time to talk to your child about these skills that we will be building on and have them set some goals for the term.  

Prayer will be a focus for the next month and students will have the opportunity to pray and learn the rosary as well as make rosaries together on March 1.  

Math - Measurment

We have started to activate our prior knowledge of perimeter and area in our homework questions and will continue to explore this along with  capacity, converting units, mass and building ruler skills. We have also introduced money and will soon learn to add and subtract dollar values as applied to real-life contexts.

Language - Narrative Reading Comprehension and Writing

We are learning about the elements of stories and more specifically, the characteristics of a narrative piece. Students are currently working on a narrative writing task choosing between two topics:

  1. One day you fall asleep and wake up the size of a… Write an adventure story about what it is like to be your new size and what you do that day.
2) Imagine that you have turned into a key. Write an adventure story describing where you go and what you do.
Success Criteria - Narrative Writing   
 □    My events are in order: beginning, middle and end
 □    I have included all of the Elements of a Story (Characters,
       Setting, Problem, At Least 4 Events, Solution)
 □    I used details and described events
 □    I used my author voice
 □    My story is easy to follow
 □    I used many long sentences using linking words
 □    I used the Word Wall and other resources to help me spell
 □    I used grammar, capitals and ending punctuation properly
 □    I used the past tense
 □    My writing is neat
 □    Minimum 1 page, maximum 2 pages

Science - Unit #3 Structures

  • Analyzing images in non-fiction texts
  • Using text and visual information to gain information
  • Questioning/reading with a question in mind
  • Synthesizing information
  • Oral communication (turn and talk, small group discussions, agree.disagree


We are excited to try some Reader's Theatre in the next month. Students have begun planning with their groups. They are invited to make props, costumes etc... so they may be asking to bring in some materials from home.


We will explore the elements of and music appreciation in the spring.

Physical Education

Activities for this term include cooperative games, ultimate frisbee and basketball.


- Oral Health
- Local Eating

Friday, 16 February 2018

Spirit Week - February 20-23

Spirit Week Themes:

Tuesday: Jersey Day
Wednesday: Favourite Character Day
Thursday: Crazy Hat/Hair Day
Friday: Tacky Tourist Day

Image result for spirit week images

Wednesday, 14 February 2018


Image result for free images chocolate chip cookies Image result for popcorn and movie

We have been hard at work finishing a science unit (Forces), exploring multiplication, division and fractions as well as writing narratives.  Report cards will be sent home tomorrow and the grade 3's deserve a reward for their hard work! 

Students are invited to wear their pyjamas on Friday and we will be joining Ms. Juneau's class in the school for the day.  We will use our morning to work on completing fraction stations as well using treats to further explore and deepen our understanding of fractions.  In the afternoon, students will enjoy popcorn and a movie. 

Look for another post in the next few days for an overview of the next month in our classroom.

Oylmpic Fun!

We have created a bulletin board with our grade 3 friends in Ms. Juneau's class to highlight the Olympic Games.  Together, we are learning more about the winter events and athletes over the next two weeks.  Students are working in partners to highlight daily national and international athletes and each day we are posting fun Olympic and Korean facts.  We have included some math with a bar graph to chart medals won by eight countries, including Canada of course! Go Canada Go!